Inspiring Messages of Hope

The following messages are shared by people that I have had the privilege of working with on their journey toward finding hope and quality of life. May their messages inspire you to believe that hope exists for you in your journey as well…

“The knowledge and tools I received to manage my stress levels is greatly appreciated! Amazing information! The team work and skill set that you (Deborah and Suzanne) bring to the group and the positive approach in the material and presentation is amazing : ))) Thank you so much!” ~ Calgary

“I received tools and alternative ways to deal with the tinnitus – I am feeling more hopeful! I learned that I have the ability to CHOOSE how I react to the tinnitus. I have come away with very important tools to help me with all aspects of my life. This was a great weekend. I really feel empowered and have taken control of my life back from the tinnitus.” ~ Susan LeBlanc

“It was beneficial to learn the CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) techniques and different ways to distract from the (tinnitus) sound.” ~ Calgary

“I received and eclectic array of options with practical exercises to manage tinnitus. Deborah and Suzanne present in an open and caring way.” ~ Calgary

“The workshop was a great blend of constructive compassion mixed with a variety of methods to reduce the effect of tinnitus. The degree of success ultimately fall on the individual to utilize the information provided in the workshop, but exercises and methods presented in the workshop have been gathered based on their effectiveness in providing a better quality of life.” ~David Paul Cranbrook, BC

“I have learned skills (tools) to use to change my focus on the tinnitus and focus more on things that bring fullness and happiness to myself, family and friends instead of withdrawing because of tinnitus. Deborah and Suzanne are very knowledgeable and professional. I enjoyed how they share their knowledge – thank you very much!”

“I found the breadth and depth of available tools to be much greater than I had known and I received more hope that I can and will put the tinnitus into the background.” ~ Calgary

“ I understand the origin of the physically anxious feeling I have and now have a basis to work with to find solutions to minimize this effect. The information provided over the two- day period would have taken months to accumulate. Exceptional value!” ~ Calgary

“This last weekend, November 14&15th 2015, my wife and I attended a Tinnitus workshop put on by Deborah Lain and Suzanne MacLaren. In terms of understanding tinnitus and dealing with the symptoms, I was both relieved and excited to be part of a group that not only understood my symptom of tinnitus, but shared that exact same symptom. My wife and I both left the work shop not only better educated on how to deal with tinnitus, but also were give a plethora of tools to help deal with the never ending ringing in my ears. Deborah and Suzanne are highly skilled in there respective fields and I wish to say Thank You to both of you for being there to help people like myself when others can not because it is an unseen subjective symptom. We highly recommend anyone with tinnitus and dizzy-spellers caused by tinnitus to attend one of these work shops, you will come away better prepared to deal with this debilitating affliction.”
~ Garry & Margaret Zuest

"I worked with Deborah Lain for four months in early 2010 taking her Tinnitus Mgmt. Program. During this time I found Deborah to be very professional; further, she always showed great patience and empathy. Even though she must have worked with many, many people she made the effort to always explain the material and review the 'homework' which I completed as part of the course.
The single most important insight I gained from the course was the skill of thought stopping and refocusing. When you have Tinnitus, it often feels like this noise is the only thing going on in your life .... constantly dwelling on the noise creates a feeling of anxiety which just keeps getting more and more out of control. With thought stopping and refocusing this worry-anxiety cycle can be broken and you can get on with your life.
Additionally, Deborah also provided some practical advice about using certain aids whch help improve your lifestyle: sound therapy system, blocker/masker and custom-fitted ear plugs.
Finally, Deborah doesn't offer a 'cure' for Tinnitus. Rather, what she does is teach some skills which will make the condition much more manageable to live with."
O. Neal

“In the spring of 2009 I was in desperate need of help. After 22 years of trying to cope with severe tinnitus, it was apparent that it had now literally consumed me. I had let it take control of my life and it was destroying me. I felt totally paralyzed and a prisoner in my own body. My husband, although still trying his best to be supportive, was feeling desperation as well. We were referred to Deborah Lain by my ENT doctor and began several weeks of private counseling. It took about four or five sessions and I began to notice a change in my approach to the challenges that can accompany tinnitus. By the end of August, I felt well enough to fly east to be at the birth of our youngest grandchild – a trip that, in the spring, I didn’t believe I could possibly make. When I returned home, I signed up for one of Deborah’s eight week group Tinnitus Self-Management Programs. I felt that, since the private sessions had helped me so much, I stood to benefit even more AND I did!
To say that Deborah’s cognitive behaviour therapy for coping with tinnitus helped me is an understatement. Deborah’s skillful counseling, ever-present compassion and wonderful sense of humour EMPOWERED me!
Is my tinnitus gone? No. However, I am coping very well. There are still many challenging days; BUT the empowerment I now have enables me to face them with confidence in my ability to cope and to look forward to better days ahead.
Deborah literally gave me my life back and for that my husband and I will be forever grateful.”
- Beth (Calgary, AB)

Thank you for hosting the workshop this weekend! I picked up a lot of information and strategies to work with, not only “the” tinnitus, but generally in life also. So I feel very empowered, much calmer, and most hopeful!”
- K.A.

Deborah gave me valuable tools for diminishing the psychological effects of tinnitus and made my outlook more optimistic. Suzanne helped me to have a much better understanding of the tinnitus itself and practical methods to diminish its’ effects.”

“Thank you for dedicating your time and expertise. It’s truly invaluable information and compassion for those of us wanting to ‘live alongside’ these challenges”

“I’ve learned a lot about what tinnitus is and the various ways to cope with it. The material and presenters were very dedicated and did an excellent job”  

“The entire program was very helpful. Both of the presenters, Deborah and Suzanne provided excellent knowledge in their field”

“I have a much better understanding of tinnitus – and learned a number of coping mechanisms. Thank you for a very good workshop!”

“The value I received exceeded the cost of the program! It was excellent!”

“This was the last approach I tried…and it should have been the first!”

“The seminar, outline and content was extremely helpful and I would recommend it to others”
Comments from May 2012 workshop:
“Overall I'm very glad to have been apart of the workshop, the information provided was more than anyone else was able to provide me. I have a better idea of how to manage the Tinnitus, and know where to find accurate information if I need it.” - Corporal M.R.
“Learned some valuable methods to help take back control”
“There IS hope at so many levels…Thank you for the energy, tools and journey. I have a renewed perspective on coping that I did not have prior to this experience. Thank you both.” - DG
“I received hope, help and clarity – thank you for giving me all of these when most medical professionals can’t or won’t.”
“I see the larger picture better than I had before. I now know that I can exert control over my reactions – good to know that.”
“REAL hope offered. Not some unproven ‘weird alternative cure’. Worth every dollar. Now I know what I have to do. The workshop provided good laughs, good talks, good people to share my problem with which I hope has now become a smaller problem…” - Gord S.
“Deb and Suzanne offer an inspiring message that one does not have to be a passive victim of tinnitus, but that there ARE ways to work with this potentially debilitating experience. There are physical, medical, cognitive, behavioural approaches, all of which they take great pains to share with this group. I am uplifted by their good energy, joy for the work and devotion to sharing a message of hope” - Paul P.

Comments from October 2012 Workshop:
“That was an "information overload" weekend!! Tried to soak up as much as possible and will need to go thru the booklet a few times for sure. I now know that this noise I hear will continue but hope that I can put it "aside" to live my life. Didn't think that way before the feel there is some hope to enjoy my life, my family and all else that matters......Feel very tired but more at ease today than I have in over a year. 
I had felt soooooo alone before this weekend and now feel "alive" for the first time in many months....this workshop has helped me so much more than you know. 
Wish I could relay to you the benefits of this past weekend......not only  have you given me some knowledge of this condition........but the hope to carry on.....I am not can be done !! 
Thanks again for a weekend I will never forget and hopefully can put into use. My husband has occasional tinnitus so we will do this whole journey together. And he also said that a sound masker for sleep would be fine with him so we're off to a great start!!
As you said, there is no cure but there is hope to regain our lives again. I will put that into motion and hope it makes that difference.
Thank you so much for all your time and effort you and Suzanne put into this. Keep up the great work! Take care and sleep well knowing that you have given hope to many of us!!
Betty Doyle - Calgary

“Thanks again for a terrific weekend! If your doctor has ever told you, 'There is nothing we can do about your tinnitus,' you need to take this course. There are lots you can do--and Deborah and Suzanne will teach you how to do it! (And, tell your doctor.)“
Bob Dunn - Calgary

“First off, let me thank you for the fantastic seminar last weekend. I was having a real rough time with my new friend, tinnitus, and you (Suzanne) and Deborah really helped me put my focus back where it should be. I feel great now and I owe it to the great work the two of you are doing!”
Fall participant – Calgary
“Just notes to say thank you for the wonderful course this past weekend.  (My husband) really came away from it with an uplifted spirit.  And, frankly, it was quite helpful for me, as well.  Not just in supporting (my husband), but also in applying the cognitive therapy to my own life.  I am in a transition time which can be quite hard on the self esteem and realized that I had been subconsciously saying negative things to myself, and in turn, making myself feel rather down… I will keep applying the tools you have taught and recognize that it is not so much events happening or not happening that affect my quality of life, but how I respond to them.  Many thanks,”
Above participant's spouse - Calgary

“I learned techniques on how to manage tinnitus. I realize now that I can change my approach in order to manage and try to get more control over it. I wish to thank both of you for bringing me more knowledge and hope in dealing with tinnitus.”
Ron - Calgary

“The value I received was learning about tinnitus, aids and personal tools to manage. I do not fear this anymore. I know there will still be hard times, but tinnitus will NOT define what my next 40 years will be like.
Fall Participant - Calgary

“The psychological part of the program was most useful. I learned I could have a program to deal with tinnitus which has the potential to make my life better.”
Gerry Whitle - Yukon, NWT

“The two key things of value were that one has cognitive distortions and that there are techniques to challenge these thoughts. These were very powerful for me, these were the heart of the workshop”
Fall Participant - Calgary

Comments from the February, 2013 workshop:

"I would highly recommend this Tinnitus Management Workshop. The knowledge of the presenters was excellent. The passion the presenters showed trying to impact their knowledge to us was exceptional!" Edward Collett - Calgary

"This is a worthwhile program. It fills an information void not addressed by others (professionals). The tools are practical and give me hope that I will be better able to control my response. Thanks Deborah & Suzanne!"
Calgary Participant

"I came to the workshop hoping I would discover some helpful tools to help me with tinnitus. The workshop exceeded my expectations! There were many practical tools that I KNOW I can use after the workshop to help me take control and make the choice I need to in order to make tinnitus be a sound in the background and not in the foreground!" Calgary Participant

"The comment "tinnitus will not hurt you" was a turning point for me. The information, advice and sharing was valuable for me. Sound, music, activities can take the focus off the tinnitus if you allow it to." Calgary

"I received value in the following ways: hope, connecting with others, actual tools to use to decrease stress, anxiety and to deconstruct negative thoughts. Everything was excellent. The workshop fee was worth every
penny. It was a very positive and useful experience." TW - Calgary

"I thought a lot about this approach last night and it made me more positive in how my approach is going to change in dealing with “the” tinnitus. Great Workshop! I must say I was skeptical at first (there is no way you could hypnotize me!) but left with no reservations on what a benefit it was. I will be happy to recommend it. Thank You Deborah and Suzanne." Calgary Participant

" Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."

~  Peter 1 3:15