Tinnitus Tools

Tinnitus Management Modules

Welcome to the online interactive Tinnitus Management Modules.  This section includes a series of 10 Tinnitus Management Modules which are designed to provide information, concrete tools, strategies and exercises for you to practice online.  This section is especially for those who do not have access to the TSMP or the TMW. To receive the full benefit of the materials presented, it is suggested that you complete all modules and practice the exercises as they are designed to teach you the skills that will allow you to decrease the emotional distress experienced with tinnitus. Individuals who apply these strategies with Tinnitus have experienced positive results in:

  • Understanding the impact of Tinnitus on daily life
  • Learning strategies and techniques to alter your response to the Tinnitus
  • Reducing symptoms experienced as a result of the Tinnitus
  • Experiencing Hope and renewed mastery over aspects of life in spite of the Tinnitus

This section integrates the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) as it applies to Tinnitus Management.  You can do each module at your own pace. 

 The following material is included in the program: 10 Tinnitus Management Modules that are educational and include home practice and online exercises.

 Module 1:  Introduction & Goals

Module 2:  EAR Model©

Module 3:  Distorted Thinking Styles

Module 4:  Challenge Your Beliefs & Behaviors

Module 5:  EARS Model© & Tinnitus EARS© Worksheet

Module 6:  Self-Coaching & Story Telling

Module 7:  Lighthouse Attention

Module 8:  Imagine All Your Senses

Module 9:  Release & Relax

Module 10: Tinnitus Management Mastery


The online interactive Tinnitus Management Modules are currently being completed and will be available soon.  Also look for the long awaited Tinnitus Workbook entitled :  E.A.R.S: Excelling At Reclaiming Silence© available for purchase in the near future.

Please click here if you would like to be notified about the upcoming launch of either of these products.

" He who cannot change the very fabric of his thoughts will never be able to change his reality."

~ Anwar Al-Sadat